The Path of Legends

In this thirde and last opus of the saga Irish Celticwe find the emblematic Paddy Flynn and Diarmuid. Father and son run the family pub which resonates with traditional music, laughter and discussions from customers...
To break this routine and transmit to Diarmuid what he needs to know about his cultural identity and his family history, Paddy invites him to undertake an initiatory journey where values, legends and traditions mingle. Diarmuid will thus be able to take the full measure of filial love, better understand its roots, and anchor itself even more in its native and ancestral land.
Like the USA which has its legendary Route 66, synonymous with escape, freedom and discovery, Ireland also has its own. And this Irish stroll is named after The path of Legends !
The creatives

Nicolas FERRU


Julie Dayan
Artistic director

Anthony DAVIS
Musical director

Michael Xerri
Artistic director
Artistic directors
D’ailleurs, elles sont évoquées partout, dans les pubs, dans la rue, symbolisées par une statue, invitées dans un film… Rappelez-vous la chanson Galway girl ! »
Né en Nouvelle-Zélande de parents irlandais, Ciaran Connolly a la danse dans le sang grâce à son prof qui n’était autre que… sa mère ! D’abord captain des danseurs sur le 1er opus de la saga, Irish Celtic, Spirit of Ireland, il a gagné ses galons de chorégraphe sur le 2e, Irish Celtic, Generations et n’a pas hésité une seconde pour le 3e et dernier volet Irish Celtic, The Path of Legends. « C’est formidable de retravailler ensemble car nous avons la même vision de l’histoire. A la fois cool et très pro, l’équipe se connaît. C’est plus facile pour avancer. Nous sommes vraiment sur la même longueur d’ondes. Pendant les répétitions, on essayait plein de choses. Parfois, ça marchait et parfois pas mais on en venait toujours aux mêmes conclusions.
Musical director
Anthony Davis has uniquely arranged and created both original, traditional songs, and the scores of the iconic film tracks for Irish Celtic.
Throughout his career he has played and composed for the “World Championships of Irish Dance” as well as for numerous other Irish dancing events and original choreographies. He has released numerous CD compilations and has become a much sought after musician in his field.