
Irish Celtic, the legend is back for a new show
The first show created in 2011 completed a triumphant tour in Europe with more than 200,000 spectators.
Here is Irish Celtic again in a brand new version!
Irish Celtic is first and foremost the talent of the thirty or so Irish artists in this show: a concentrate of energy from the best dancers in the country, who pound the pub floor with their tap dances; the aerial magic of the dancers, performance fairies, heirs of the long Celtic culture; the crazy power of these rare musicians capable of making tradition vibrate on stage, like with these ballads that give you goosebumps.
Here you are immersed in the Irish Celtic pub, bequeathed by old Paddy Flynn to his son Diarmuid. Through their destiny, the whole life of Ireland passes by, right down to the legends riveted to the wooded and universal universe of this old establishment where whiskey and Guinness water down the memories of great history. Irish Celtic is a free spirit that flows freely for a real tour de force: this captivating musical comedy succeeds in sending shivers down the entire Irish soul.
The emotion is there, touching, in the grace of a “pipe” solo with a young bagpipe master. And the dance of life, carefree and light as violin strings, takes the audience into a two-hour whirlwind. This journey of legends, funny and lively, is also a very beautiful story of transmission, one where all generations commune while listening to the heart of Ireland beat.
The creatives

Nicolas FERRU


Toby Gough
Artistic director

Anthony DAVIS
Musical director
Artistic director
Toby Gough is the international award-winning director of the Cuban dance show “Lady Salsa” which was resident on London’s West End for two years and recently toured Switzerland and Germany. In 2012 his show “Brazil Brazil!” was performed in the New Victory Theatre on Broadway. He toured the US with “The Merchants of Bollywood” and has travelled around the world with the highly successful “The Bar at Buena Vista” featuring stars of “The Buena Vista Social Club”.
Né en Nouvelle-Zélande de parents irlandais, Ciaran Connolly a la danse dans le sang grâce à son prof qui n’était autre que… sa mère ! D’abord captain des danseurs sur le 1er opus de la saga, Irish Celtic, Spirit of Ireland, il a gagné ses galons de chorégraphe sur le 2e, Irish Celtic, Generations et n’a pas hésité une seconde pour le 3e et dernier volet Irish Celtic, The Path of Legends. « C’est formidable de retravailler ensemble car nous avons la même vision de l’histoire. A la fois cool et très pro, l’équipe se connaît. C’est plus facile pour avancer. Nous sommes vraiment sur la même longueur d’ondes. Pendant les répétitions, on essayait plein de choses. Parfois, ça marchait et parfois pas mais on en venait toujours aux mêmes conclusions.
Musical director
Anthony Davis has uniquely arranged and created both original, traditional songs, and the scores of the iconic film tracks for Irish Celtic.
Throughout his career he has played and composed for the “World Championships of Irish Dance” as well as for numerous other Irish dancing events and original choreographies. He has released numerous CD compilations and has become a much sought after musician in his field.